Medical and Aviation plastic mold

Medical and Aviation mold tooling and plastic products manufacturer

Medical and Aviation mold tooling and plastic products manufacturer


With the high volume of parts produced within the Medical and Aviation plastic mold industry, it is critical that your tooling is up to the job

Using the very best base material for the tooling is imperative. High quality components and precision waterways help to regulate the internal temperature of the tooling, therefore reducing the probability of excessive scrap parts during long manufacturing runs. Careful consideration of this type of environment is vital when designing tooling for the Medical and Aviation plastic mold products market, with a focus on Mould Flow Analysis and DFM to help keep the cycle time to a minimum. Weather your requirement is for a multi-cavity tool, family tool or large single impression moulding, we have the skills and experience to provide the very product to you right first time.  

Before any steel is cut, we will complete full DFM and Mould Flow Analysis to ensure that the tool design is perfect for the application, and we are able to add the specific texture to the finished tool to give the perfect effect on the moulded product. 



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